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NFP tomorrow, Oct. 7th Futures Trading Levels

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The next big scheduled event is tomorrow: this Friday’s monthly Non-farm payrolls report from the U.S. Labor Department.

If you’re a futures trader and your markets of choice to trade include stock indexes (S&P 500NasdaqDow JonesRussell 2000, etc.), or treasuries (30-yr. T-bonds2-5-10-yr. T-notes), currencies, even metals and energies, you know the importance this report.

Intraday chart of LAST MONTH’s NFP report of the mini SP for your review below:

E-Mini S&P 500 5 minute chart


As always, plan your trade and trade your plan. Please contact your broker or Cannon Trading with any questions.

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Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time when it comes to Futures Trading.

Futures Trading Levels



#goldfutures #sp500futures #crudeoilfutures # nasdaqfutures #dowfutures #futurestrading #futuresbrokers
SP500 #ES_FNasdaq100  #NQ_FDow Jones  #YM_FMini Russell #RTY_FBitCoin Index #BRTI SP500 Dec. Gold #GC_F Dec. Silver #SI_F Oct. Crude Oil #CL-F Dec. Bonds  #ZB_F Dec. 10 yr  #ZN_F Dec. Corn #ZC_F Dec.  Wheat #ZW_F Nov. Beans #ZS_F Dec. SoyMeal #ZM_F Oct. Nat Gas #NG_F Dec. Coffee #KC_F Dec. Cocoa #CC_F October Sugar #SB_F Dec. Cotton #CT_F Sept.  Euro Currency

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Economic Reports, Source:


This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.

Options on MICRO Futures – Free Course + Trading Levels 8.30.2022

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Free, no obligation Introduction to Options Course

You don’t have to be a Certified Financial Advisor (C.F.A.) to take continuing education courses in the Futures Option Market.  Although if you were, you could get continuing education credits by completing this course.

Learning through video presentation, Q and A, and text, I found these videos helpful for me to brush up on my option knowledgebase as well and recommend everyone who either has options trading experience or wants to learn options for the first time, I found these tools to be invaluable and hope you do too.

If you are like me, a life long learner, you will benefit from an hour and 11 minutes’ worth of topical videos: Introduction to Options course.

From Chapters such as “What is an Option? To “getting to know underlying Futures” discussions about exercise price, expiration dates, Call and Put descriptions, exercise and assignments, understanding the difference: European vs. American style, Moneyness, time and intrinsic value of the option, Profit and Loss, Theoretical pricing, to name just a few of the Interactive course chapters.

The CME has provided this at no charge. Here is the link to start today Intro to Options Course

Here is a sample chapter titled Options on Futures vs ETFs

Options on Futures vs ETFs Video

Sierra Charts Teton Order Routing demo

Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time when it comes to Futures Trading.

Futures Trading Levels


Improve Your Trading Skills

Get access to proprietary indicators and trading methods, consult with an experienced broker
 1-800-454-9572 Explore trading methods. Register Here

Economic Reports, Source:

This is not a solicitation of any order to buy or sell, but a current market view provided by Cannon Trading Inc. Any statement of facts here in contained are derived from sources believed to be reliable, but are not guaranteed as to accuracy, nor they purport to be complete. No responsibility is assumed with respect to any such statement or with respect to any expression of opinion herein contained. Readers are urged to exercise their own judgement in trading.