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The Advantages of Futures Trading Over Holding & Trading Cryptocurrencies


Trading Yen Futures

Cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of investors worldwide, promising high returns and revolutionizing the financial landscape. However, the volatility and regulatory uncertainty surrounding these digital assets make them a risky investment. Futures trading, on the other hand, provides a more secure and flexible investment option, offering a regulated environment, diverse product range, and various strategic advantages. This article will explore why futures trading, particularly in crypto futures like Bitcoin, can be a more advantageous choice over holding actual cryptocurrencies.

Regulated Environment of Futures Trading

One of the primary advantages of futures trading is its highly regulated nature. Futures markets are overseen by established exchanges such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), which ensure the safety and integrity of transactions. These exchanges require traders to adhere to strict regulations designed to protect all parties involved. This contrasts sharply with the relatively unregulated and often opaque nature of cryptocurrency markets.

Example: The Mt. Gox Incident

The collapse of Mt. Gox, once the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, in 2014 highlighted the risks associated with holding cryptocurrencies. The exchange lost 850,000 Bitcoins, worth approximately $450 million at the time, due to hacking and mismanagement. Such incidents underscore the importance of regulatory oversight in protecting investors’ funds.

Diverse Product Range

Futures markets offer a vast array of products beyond just cryptocurrencies. Traders can invest in commodities like crude oil, precious metals, livestock, and agricultural products, as well as financial instruments such as stock indices and interest rates. This diversity allows traders to hedge their portfolios and spread their risk across multiple asset classes.

Example: Crude Oil Futures

During the COVID-19 pandemic, crude oil futures experienced unprecedented volatility, with prices even turning negative for a brief period in April 2020. Traders who were well-versed in futures trading could take advantage of this volatility by employing strategies like shorting or using options to hedge against price swings. This flexibility is not as readily available in the cryptocurrency market.

Key Advantages of Trading Crypto Futures

Trading crypto futures contracts, such as Bitcoin futures, offers several advantages over holding the actual cryptocurrency. These include increased leverage, unrestricted shorting, and enhanced risk management capabilities.

Increased Leverage

Futures contracts allow traders to control large positions with a relatively small amount of capital through the use of leverage. This means that traders can amplify their potential returns, although it also increases the risk of losses.

Example: Bitcoin Futures on CME

CME offers Bitcoin futures contracts that are settled in cash, allowing traders to speculate on the future price of Bitcoin without actually owning the underlying asset. By using leverage, traders can potentially achieve significant gains from small price movements in Bitcoin. For instance, if a trader uses 10:1 leverage, a 1% increase in Bitcoin’s price could result in a 10% gain on their position.

Unrestricted Shorting

Short selling allows traders to profit from declining prices, a strategy that is often restricted or unavailable in the spot cryptocurrency market. Futures trading provides the ability to short assets without any restrictions, enabling traders to take advantage of both rising and falling markets.

Example: Shorting Bitcoin Futures

In 2018, when Bitcoin’s price plummeted from its all-time high of nearly $20,000 to around $3,000, traders who had shorted Bitcoin futures were able to profit from this decline. This capability is crucial for managing risk and capitalizing on market downturns, which is not as straightforward when holding actual cryptocurrencies.

Enhanced Risk Management

Futures contracts allow for precise risk management through the use of stop-loss orders, options, and hedging strategies. This is particularly important in highly volatile markets like cryptocurrencies, where prices can swing dramatically in short periods.

Example: Hedging with Bitcoin Futures

Institutional investors and miners often use Bitcoin futures to hedge against price volatility. For example, a Bitcoin miner can lock in a future selling price by entering into a futures contract. If the price of Bitcoin falls by the delivery date, the miner is protected against the downside risk.

Safety and Security Concerns in Cryptocurrency Markets

The cryptocurrency market is fraught with safety and security concerns, including hacking, fraud, and regulatory uncertainty. These issues can lead to significant financial losses and legal complications for investors.

Example: The QuadrigaCX Scandal

In 2019, the Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX collapsed after the sudden death of its founder, who was the only person with access to the exchange’s cold wallets. This left $190 million in client funds inaccessible, highlighting the risks associated with holding cryptocurrencies on centralized exchanges.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The regulatory status of cryptocurrencies varies widely across different jurisdictions, leading to uncertainty and potential legal risks for investors. Governments and regulatory bodies are still grappling with how to classify and regulate digital assets, creating a murky legal environment.

Example: China’s Cryptocurrency Ban

China’s stringent regulations and outright bans on cryptocurrency trading and mining have caused significant disruptions in the market. Investors holding cryptocurrencies in such environments face the risk of sudden regulatory changes that can negatively impact their investments.

While cryptocurrencies offer exciting opportunities, the risks associated with holding them directly can be significant. Futures trading provides a more secure and flexible alternative, offering a regulated environment, diverse product range, and strategic advantages such as increased leverage, unrestricted shorting, and enhanced risk management.

By trading crypto futures like Bitcoin futures, investors can benefit from the price movements of cryptocurrencies without the associated security and regulatory risks. Additionally, the ability to trade a wide range of futures products allows for better portfolio diversification and risk management. For those looking to navigate the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, futures trading offers a compelling and potentially safer investment option.

Ready to start trading futures? Call US 1(800)454-9572 – Int’l (310)859-9572 email and speak to one of our experienced, Series-3 licensed futures brokers and start your futures trading journey with today.

Disclaimer – Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors.  Past performance is not indicative of future results. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time.

Important: Trading commodity futures and options involves a substantial risk of loss. The recommendations contained in this writing are of opinion only and do not guarantee any profits. This writing is for educational purposes. Past performances are not necessarily indicative of future results. 

**This article has been generated with the help of AI Technology. It has been modified from the original draft for accuracy and compliance.

***@cannontrading on all socials.